
Churchtown Busy Bunch 4-H Club end-of-year meeting

The Churchtown Busy Bunch 4-H Club had its end of year meeting on Nov. 17, 2024, at the catholic church’s fellowship hall in Beverly; it was the recognition meeting for the year. For each member, the advisors recognized their chief work this past year and presented a gift. The areas emphasized were service work, leadership work, 4-H week work and project and fair awards. The Cloverbuds each received a gift to recognize them. All the advisors were introduced. The members also were joined by their grandparents, with a handmade gift given to each one; one special guest, Mr. Roush, did the artwork on each of the grandparents’ gifts. The advisors announced the club members who won Ohio State and county special awards.

President Declan Schaad called the meeting to order with Blake Lang leading the U.S. pledge and Kaydence Roush leading the 4-H pledge. There was no business meeting.

Under new items, the club discussed a new fund-raiser and raffle and bake sale to benefit the neediest persons affected by the North Carolina Flooding. This project was organized by the community service committee and signup sheets were provided for those 4-H members and families who could volunteer for one of the many options offered by this project. There was no other business. The group then enjoyed a potluck which was organized by some of the service committee members and their families.

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