
PACF awards nearly $420K in grants

Photo Provided Wood County Permanent 4-H Camp Association representatives pose with staff and board members of the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation.

From staff reports

PARKERSBURG — The Parkersburg Area Community Foundation and Regional Affiliates has awarded almost $420,000 in grants to support nonprofit organizations and charitable projects throughout the region through its Fall Community Action Grant Program.

The grants are from a variety of funds created by individuals, organizations and area businesses to support community needs.

Individuals and organizations who have donor-advised funds at the foundation also partner to support projects, expanding the foundation’s grantmaking capacity. Many provide additional support to respond to grant requests received each cycle. Donor advisers contributed $234,839 to this grant cycle.

The foundation received 66 applications for a total request amount of $763,366. Of the 66 applications, 50 were funded for a total of $419,996.

Among those were $4,000 from the Doddridge County Community Foundation, $5,000 from the Ritchie County Community Foundation and $5,700 from the Little Kanawha Area Community Foundation affiliates.

The Fall 2024 grant recipients are:

• Actors Guild of Parkersburg: $6,999 to provide wireless communication headsets for use by stage crew and production staff during productions.

• Artsbridge: $14,911 to upgrade security infrastructure.

• Belpre Area Ministries: $5,000 to buy stable hanging racks for the store, organizing racks and standalone shelves for the store prep areas and easily sanitized furniture for the intake area.

• Big Red Crew:$15,469 to purchase new racing shells for PHS Big Red Crew.

• Calhoun County Livestock Program:$1,000 to renovate the existing old gym to promote physical fitness to the community.

• City of Ravenswood: $5,000 for a greenhouse for City Park and property beautifications.

• City of Ravenswood: $15,000 for operational support of the new Ravenswood On Trac program.

• City of Ravenswood: $11,903 to purchase a drone for the Ravenswood Police Department.

• City of Williamstown: $11,000 for repairs to the pool.

• Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Mid Ohio Valley: $15,000 for operating support.

• Creed Collins Elementary School: $7,500 for exercise equipment for the physical education class.

• Dark Side Robotics: $11,800 for competition-related expenses for the FIRST Robotics season.

• Doddridge County Farmer’s Market: $10,000 for the GROW WITH US initiative.

• Franklin Elementary School: $600 for hygiene education and supplies for students.

• Friends of the Ohio River Islands: $4,755 to enhance the visitor experience at the Ohio River Islands Refuge.

• Grantsville Conservatory of Music and Fine Arts: $4,850 to purchase cordless headset microphones and other accessories for the public address system and recording studio.

• Hope House Ministries Inc.: $2,500 for the house and needs of the residents.

• Jackson Middle School: $812 for equipment for CPR training for staff and students.

• James Wood Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution: $1,000 to purchase a granite bench engraved with the names of additional patriots found to be buried in Wood County.

• Lubeck United Methodist Church: $15,700 to support the Lunch SAK program for Lubeck and Blennerhassett schools in Wood County.

• Marietta College: $1,440 to pay for Wood County students to attend STREAM Camp in the summer.

• Memorial Health Foundation: $19,526 to purchase a Neonatal Resuscitaire Unit and related supplies for the new Women and Children’s Hospital.

• Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center: $7,708 to purchase a bariatric exam table for the Glenville Clinic.

• North Christian School at North Parkersburg Baptist Church: $2,200 to purchase and install rain barrels for the community garden.

• Northern W.Va. Area Health Education Center: $900 to support expansion of the Moving Onward and Upward Program.

• Pennsboro Woman’s Club: $600 to pave the parking lot for easier access to the building.

• Pilot Club of Jackson County: $10,000 to pay for the dental bills for financially eligible Ravenswood residents.

• Planned Parenthood South Atlantic: $8,500 to distribute period products and facilitate menstrual equity training to address period poverty in the state.

• Progress Ridge Community Building: $1,000 to support kitchen upgrades and the purchase of a storage building.

• Ravenswood High School: $10,000 to upgrade the track facility for students and the community; and $20,000 to upgrade the equipment in the weight room.

• Ravenswood Youth Soccer Club: $15,000 to purchase equipment, jerseys and other related items for the youth soccer club.

• Read Aloud West Virginia: $2,800 to purchase Book Bundles for third- and fourth-graders at Ravenswood Grade School.

• Ritchie County Family Resource Network: $700 to support fresh food vouchers for Packs of Plenty.

• Roane County Commission: $6,000 to purchase new medical supply bags for Roane County EMS.

• St. Mary Catholic School: $20,000 to restore and repair flooring.

• The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley: $20,000 to make upgrades to the thrift store on Dudley Avenue.

• The Salvation Army: $9,000 to update and repair shelter bathrooms, paint the lobby and install new shelving in the storage area.

• The Wirt County Missional Group Ltd.: $9,600 to pay for utilities in the Spring Valley Community Building and for fuel for the box truck to pick up donations.

• Valley Fire & Rescue: $10,000 to upgrade the station.

• Vienna Elementary School: $1,000 to purchase CPR training supplies to train staff and students in both Heartsaver and Hands Only CPR.

• Voices for Children Foundation: $3,000 to support volunteer retention and recruitment.

• Waverly Activity Center: $20,000 to replace the air conditioning in the main building.

• Waverly Volunteer Fire Co.: $19,137 to replace breathing air cylinders and outdated radios.

• West Central Beekeepers Association: $4,036 for the Apiary Education Program.

• Wood County Permanent 4-H Camp Association: $20,000 to improve the 4-H Equine Facility.

• Wood County Society: $1,500 to support the Autism Connections Group.

• WV Health Right: $10,000 for the mobile dental unit in Roane County.

• WVU at Parkersburg Foundation: $550 for repairs of The Mona at Eighth and Market streets in downtown Parkersburg.

• WVU Extension: Doddridge 4-H Leaders Association: $5,000 to support capacity building for volunteer leaders by providing resources and club kits.

To be considered for a Community Action Grant, an applicant must be a private, nonprofit organization or a public institution. Either the applicant or program to be funded must be located in the Foundation’s 11-county geographic service area (Calhoun, Doddridge, Gilmer, Jackson, Mason, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Wirt and Wood counties in West Virginia and Washington County in Ohio).

For more information go to www.pacfwv.org.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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