
Empty Bowls Luncheon to be held in March

(Photo provided) The Empty Bowls of the Mid-Ohio Valley will host its 25th Annual Luncheon from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, March 1, at the First United Methodist Church, 304 W. Fifth St., Williamstown.

To help stop hunger in the local community, the Empty Bowls of the Mid-Ohio Valley will host its 25th annual Luncheon, with all ticket donations benefiting local food pantries.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, March 1, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 304 W. Fifth St., Williamstown.

Guests will enjoy a variety of delicious homemade soups, bread, freshly baked cookies, and beverages. For only a $15 donation (or $10 for children 12 and under), attendees will receive lunch and a unique, handcrafted bowl made by a local student, artist, or hobbyist.

A silent auction featuring food-related items will present a delightful shopping experience. Advanced tickets are available from committee members Carol Garoza at garozac@marietta.edu or Mabry O’Donnell at odonnelm@marietta.edu. While tickets will also be sold at the door, purchasing them in advance is encouraged.

“We are so fortunate to live in such a caring, creative community,” said O’Donnell. “But for some, even the basics can be a struggle. While many are generous in supporting food pantries, the need continues to outpace the resources available.”

The Empty Bowls Luncheon was first organized in Michigan in 1990 by an art teacher and a group of community members as a way to bring people together over a simple, shared meal. The idea has since grown into a global movement, with artists and crafters from cities worldwide raising millions of dollars to fight hunger through local food-related charities.

According to some committee members, Caroline Putnam, who started the local program in 2001, “would be heartened to observe the community, churches, colleges, and The Marietta Community Foundation working together to eradicate food insecurity and to help end hunger.”

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