Carbon capture
The Labor Energy Partnership led by the AFL-CIO and Energy Futures is proposing the Ohio River Valley become a hub for fossil-fuel generated hydrogen and carbon dioxide using carbon capture technology.
The major industry contributing to climate change, fossil fuels, now profits from tax breaks and government funding being directed at Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) projects. Under section 45Q, tax credits for CCS are $35 to $50 per metric ton of CO2 captured.
According to the Department of Energy, CCS research projects received $110 million in 2019, $72 million in 2020, and as of April of 2021 received $75 million. All but five of the 21 large-scale CCS plants sell or send their carbon dioxide to facilities involved in enhanced oil recovery, enabling more oil to be extracted and continuing our reliance on fossil fuels.
Carbon capture technology is still in the early stages of development. It is not ready to be used in the scale necessary to curtail the climate crisis. It has however become a diversion used by industry and governments to avoid doing what needs to be done to actually address the climate crisis in a timely way.
Dr. Randi Pokladnik
Uhrichsville, Ohio