
Marietta’s war on the homeless

I am writing you because I am deeply troubled by the recent developments in our city. It seems that we have engaged in a war against the homeless and poor. Marietta recently passed a ban on all public camping outside of designated zones on city property. This is ironic because currently no zones exist for public camping. The idea has also been floated by some council members to have violators of this ordinance do community service to pay off fines for camping. So let’s get this straight, do they really want to take someone with no resources and force them to do community service? That sure seems akin to social slavery to me.

The council cites the need for this ban because of public outcry. The same public has filed numerous complaints with city over a homeless check in center. Is the public really so outraged by someone camping? I pray the public really cannot be so heartless that it will turn their back on the people needing the most help. Has this town turned from a loving neighborly city into one that disparages the most vulnerable people in its community. Marietta has a poverty rate of over 30% and one in four children deal with food insecurity in Washington County. Please everyone contact the city and let them know we stand for everyone in our city, not just those who have the resources to be heard. The true judge of a community is how it treats its most vulnerable. We should and could all do better in setting an example for our fellow community members and children. Our kids see how we act and treat others, that’s how they learn. So let’s do better and teach them to treat everyone with love, respect, and compassion.

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