Drones are today a very common term. The term attributed to an unknown aircraft. Perhaps it originated with a kite of yesteryear. Todays’ Drones seem to elicit discomfort to the point of fear. Yes, drones are both innocuous as well helpful and the same time can elicit fear.
We may conjecture that perhaps drones precursor was “A Peeping Tom” (which originated with Lady Godiva).
All of us watched when China sent a drone that traveled throughout USA for a whole day. Today there is not just a sole severance Drone in the sky. What we see, and just dismiss as just a drone, or should we?
Indeed many things can be both helpful and dangerous, in the way they are utilized. A simple example is water. As saying goes, “water can kill and water can cure”, so it is with other thing we encounter.
Knowledge and use of things around us is important.