Snow days affect the children
I am sure many people question as to why they close schools on snow or extreme cold days.. There are many pros and cons on closing schools but many things to consider. First many of us live in the cities waking up to plowed cleaned off streets which is a blessing thanks to all those hard workers that work all night while we are enjoy our nice warm beds. However we must consider all the students that live on back roads in the country with non-paved and gravel roads which is almost impossible to clear.
For sure there are assigned people who are supposed to check the various areas and country roads traveled by the school buses before any closing decision is made. The two-hour delays are for the safety and convenience of our children waiting to be picked up by a school bus or getting to school in hopes that the conditions changes for the better. This is a positive decision for the safety and wellbeing of our children although the students love and enjoy the idea of no school and a day off. Still they do not realize that they are missing valuable instructions by not being in the classroom.
As parents it is our responsibility to see that our children do their homework and extra studying of assignments even though they are not in school.
Many parents work and therefore when school is not in session it puts an extra burden on the student and the parents as to who watches and take care of your child especially when the child is not old enough to be left home alone.
Each family will have different rules and regulations they want their children to follow therefore advance plans, emergency numbers should be put in place and discussed between parents and children prior for any possible situations that may arise.
Basic safety rules should also be administrated in advance such as not letting any strangers in the house or using any items of danger such as cooking or leaving the house unless your parents know.
As parents you might want to look online to find appropriate work sheets or instructions if the teacher has not given the homework which would be constructive and educational even if they are not in the classroom. We all know and realize that many children will look for every excuse not to touch their books and avoid things they should be doing, making their priorities playing on the internet, TikTok or checking what their friends are doing.
Bottom line is great guidance from an early age is the key to a child’s success and safety.
Stay warm!
Till next month.